Friday, May 30, 2014

Middle America

As we made our way along route 80, heading West, I started to notice my mind became more and more at ease, and the perpetual to-do lists that racked my brain with worry-began to slowly drift away with every new landscape. We left Chicago at 5am - still wiping away our foggy morning eyes, and we were Wisconsin-bound to meet Marykate, another college friend who lives there- for breakfast. 5am is no time for music, we decided. We needed news. We clicked through the stations to find a good ol' local news broadcast, and sat back to watch the sun rise. We arrived in Madison, after we inched along the highway with the entire Madison work-force..arriving with just 5 minutes to find a parking spot and meet Marykate downtown. It was a hot and beautiful day already, it seemed that the sun waited for us because just as we rounded the lake to enter town, it bounced off the lake with such a gorgeous glare- warm and welcoming. The State House in the distance, rose up from the city, and we both squealed with excitement...this alone made the trip into Madison worth it. The last time the three of us were together was quite possibly at one of our infamous house parties in Cambridge- so meeting in a new city was different...curious, exciting, and a bit nostalgic. We ate bagels and coffee at colorful tables on the Mendota Terrace, a beautiful lakeside hangout- part of University of Wisconsin. The three of us exchanged stories of our recent goings on; our jobs, her school, her man, our doubts, our accomplishments, and our futures. We giggled, just like the old days and then Annie and I were off, after I dropped some postcards in the mail. Next stop...Mount Rushmore. Madison was super cute...and I hope to return to visit someday soon.

Monday, May 19, 2014


We arrived in Chicago yesterday and the sun greeted us with open arms. It's been 70 and beautiful as we traipse around this city. Our friend Julia walked us through the Wicker Park neighborhood, where the streets were buzzing with youngsters in beer gardens and buskers with their guitars trying to sing over the rumble of the L train. We stopped in the middle of the sidewalk -"look around and tell me where the speakeasy is that we're going" said Julia. Annie and I glanced around at busy streets and storefronts and took a couple of wrong guesses then, Julia proceeded to walk us directly into a graffiti mural on the side of a brick building, a door opened and suddenly we were in a dark chamber, pulling curtains out of our way. It was a hidden little gem of a place..Violet. We had the most delicious cocktails then headed back out to an outdoor Mexican beer garden to eat. Later on, Annie  and I hopped into Gallery Cabaret to see if I could play a tune at open mic night. Alas, the list was full. But we were able to catch the tail end of some interesting performers : )

Today Annie had an interview downtown so I took myself on a date-and rented a bike to wander the city. I ended up down by the navy yard and explored the waterfront. Lots of construction in those parts. Beautiful day for a ride. The day ended with a delicious dinner at Tango Sur, an Argentinian Steakhouse that blew my mind.

Chicago, it's been fab. Can't wait to visit again. Tomorrow, Annie and I wake up at the crack if dawn and hit the road by 5am. Breakfast in Maddison WI.
 Goodnight Chicago!

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Youngstown, Ohio

We arrived in Youngstown Ohio last night. Middle America. Middle of Nowhere. We were afraid for our lives for about 10 minutes then got comfy in our room, slurped down a beer and some nachos at the Mexican restaurant downstairs, then settled in with a bottle of wine and YouTube "fail" videos. We woke up to a gorgeous ohio morning and after we throw the ball a few times for ms. Bella, we're getting the hell outa dodge and it's off to Chicago!