Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Spring semester news

This semester I will complete my graphic design internship. It seems surreal to be experiencing this already, and also nerveracking showing up alone at a professional firm, where I will test my abilities in the field. This will be such a change! Graphic Design to me has meant NESAD for four years. I have spent my life in the same classrooms and computer labs with the same group of students and professors. I have friends whose advice and support I trust and love. I have professors that challenge my thinking, and who stand by my every decision- shaping and directing me to be a virtuous designer and artist. I have a community at NESAD, in which I have been raised; The first place I studied design and the first taste of my professional future. And in less than a year I will graduate and be a professional Graphic Designer--not a student. Leaving NESAD, more specifically, not being a student in a classroom anymore, will force me to look at myself in a brand new way- as a talented professional, and confident designer. Recently I have started to trust my ideas and my work more and believe in my sollutions. This is so important because in the real world, I will be EXPECTED to trust my visions and work. And I guess when it comes down to it, I am ready to be expected to great things. I am ready to be defined by my title as a Graphic Designer and Artist.
And now that I am in my last semester, I am doing an internship- which will give me a big bite of that real world.

Today I started my internship at Hamilton Hughes Design firm in Dorchester, MA! Robert and Kristen are the art directors and owners and they will be overseeing me. They are so nice and comfortable to be with. Today was a short day because of the impending blizzard. Monday will be my next day with them, and I look forward to it. I will be working on projects, observing their work, gaining practice doing a lot of the business related work, and learning about all of those details that simply cannot be taught in school. Yay. I will continue to post my progress.
Check Hamilton Hughes Design on the right!